"everybody medicates"
"everybody medicates"
entp | 7w6 | scorpio
Welcome to my website. Here you will see philosophy, theory, mania, and literary/film analysis (maybe). I'm a reader, a pretentious asshole, a chronic commenter on blogs and Spacehey bulletins, and I wear cowboy boots. I like to debate on philosophical topics.
I'm into workin out, guitar, black coffee, and digital penpalling. I do art + write music and like all forms of such. Went to art school for seven years, now I'm a nursing student. My liver works hard enough to overheat but my lungs get paid overtime. Nice to meet you.
My Spacehey page practically mirrors this one. I'm pretty dogshit at designing pages, what is a blog supposed to look like anyway? It's supposed to look exactly like my Spacehey is what it's supposed to look like.
Did I ever link my Spacehey?
more about me in this introductory blog.
☆ i switch between no-caps typing and grammatically focused typing.
i don't know why. you probably understand.
☆ anyone can always tell me when i'm just being annoying or an asshole.
that sort of thing never offends me. i'd like to know anyway.
☆ don't be afraid to add me as a friend or IM me on spacehey!
i am JOBLESS at the moment, so i’ve got free time up tha wazoo.

NOV 17, 2023: It's 4AM EST. I added a diary in the dump.
NOV 15, 2023:
- Changed the scrollbar and chatbox theme! I think they look pretty cute now.
- I also removed most of the headers from the pages. I thought they weren't needed.
- Oh and I added a GUESTBOOK for more permanent comments than the chatbox!
NOV 14, 2023: NEW BULLETIN (+ about me fun facts, change font on bulletin & blog)
NOV 7, 2023:
- I don't know if that's fast or not. Is it? There aren't that many frills or cool things on the site, I think it's pretty bare bones. The coolest thing I have on here is the zoom class on some of the images I use.
- oh! if anyone knows how to:
make tabs (like on the literary/analysis blog) automatically display the first tabs contents
please tell me in the chatbox to the right!
NOV 6, 2023:
- All Blog pages finished.
- Bulletin created.
- Today was slow going.
NOV 5, 2023:
- Neocities account created for the first time ever.
- Home and About pages finished.
- This marks the beginning of my weeklong Neocities journey.